I tried to post this with the picture of the Prospect Park West cover and wasn't able to figure it out. Anybody?
Here are my (brief) thoughts on PPW:
In my defense, I don't actually live in Park Slope, so I'm not a complete cliche. Also, a huge group of my friends want to read it, so we're going to pass it around. And I bought it cheap at the Strand.
That said, it feels like I'm reading mommy porn. Or status porn, as Amy Sohn's idea of character development is to name the brands that her characters use or wear. I would rather know more about the characters' intellectual life and less about where their boy shorts are from, please. The novel is also really meanspirited towards women (mothers, in particular) as well as racist.
That said, can I put it down? No. It's like a wrecked Volvo in the middle of Prospect Park itself; horrible, but you can't look away . . .